Connie McKay
Journal - Anchoring the light

Connie just loves dragons. Her new journal has a beautiful title of Anchoring the light. It is a beautiful pink in colour. See her bio ...

*  Linking here to Amazon - Click here

 * Facebook  "Earth n Moon with Connie"  , where she shares crystals and more link here 

My vision for this journal was born from my journey with the dragon realm.

 Over the past two years I’ve been writing and rewriting my story. My work with the dragons has transformed and empowered me to share my gifts. Now it’s time to help you anchor your light. 

The journal consists of 120 pages and 12 quotes I’ve created to give you the courage to step into your power or set up your own circles or workshops to use the journal as an empowering tool for students or groups.

 *My deepest gratitude to Carly Jane for her stunning cover artwork and the Lavender spiritual room for publishing my journal. Your journey to enlightenment starts now! Love & blessings, Connie