Shining the Light.....

Enjoy this meditation below:

Open your heart in the healing space ..

The Temple of Light is here .. image

A Professional Spiritual Medium, Healer, certificated and trained to help you on your path..

Mentoring, readings, painting your team, or buy one of my courses on UDEMY.  Im here to get you connected.

The Soul always knows the way, listen to the heart, not the head.  Know all is possible. ​Keep calm amongst the chaos. 

Read my Book, "Dusting Off the Soul, Mediumship & Healing" to see my Spiritual Passion in my work. Making a difference matters!

New Sister Website now available to sign up for offers etc and link to my Udemy courses..

To ask me anything or have a free short session on how I can help you ...  

New! A series starts 15th February  of Multi- mini Courses ..
Guardians of the Light
In Collaboration with Kelz and Sammi, we have a new series of classes available to you via, a private fb group. OR weekly, you can receive the downloads, which ultimately, make up your very own playlist.  This play list, is yours to keep for 12 months.

In the group, we welcome to see any artwork or wisdom your Guardians of the Light have to share.  Journal essential.

Two intakes. The doors open on Saturday 15th February.

£22  for each class :

DRAGON RIDERS!  Do you ride your dragons?  Do you want to ride and know much more about your dragon connection?  This maybe the class for you.  With discussions, attunements and Altar building, come and share this sacred space.  

GUIDE THE GUIDES Do you really know who is guiding you?  There is so much talk and debate about the Guides.  In this 4 week class, we will meet our Soul Guide, our Animal guide and Our Psychic Surgeon.

Register your interest into these sesisons, and we will welcome you into the space.

10 Percent off for all my students.

£44.44 plus postage
A4 size Guardian of the Light picture.

Who is one of your Guardians of Light around You?

For the Price of £44.44 let me paint for you.

I offer this price as psychic art for me, is something I am still practising with my guides.

Email me on to ask about this service.

Golden Atlantean Healing Practitioner Level Certificated.

Having taught this channelled version of Atlantean healing, to many students it remains still very popular. At present this is only available on a one to one basis. £399 This is a day with me. or the equivalent of 2x 3hours. Classes may become available so do enquire.

Carly  imageCarly  imageCarly  image

Story telling is an ancient practice, for many it was a place around the camp fire. In later years, it was something that we may have done with our parents or grandparents. I can remember my grand mother asking for more stories from me at a young age...

Allow me to share my story of how the three golden keys of Merlin came to fruition and what it is about. This short book is a story of fantasy, and a reading from Merlin. It came in after sitting and visiting his home town of Tintagel. He shares how some very simple exercises can shift your awareness. He introduces you to some of his furry friends along the way :)

The book is here for you to check out for yourself... Click here. 

Much love, light and oodles of blessings,


Activation Cards for Sale £12.99 (UK)  image

Another form of Story telling is the use of tarot or divination cards. This is an ancient practice used by the mystics and fortune tellers.

If I pick you a card today from my deck, I find myself looking at the Sapphire dragon. If I pass this card to you, what story does this powerful dragon bring to you today. Take a breather in your day, and feel her prescence. Ask her anything that is bothering you and I know she will have the answers.

If you would love to work with these cards, to share your stories, reach out. They love to work with stories. ..

£12.99 in the UK and your postage requirement is dependant on your needs and country.. .

Dusting off the Soul  image
In 2023, I was guided to share my story of mediumship...

A book that I have titled "Dusting off the soul".

A powerful book written from the heart with my son "joshua" who is a keeper of the light in the spirit world. And I hope this year to write his story. His story will be one of how some Flame holders of the light have a brief stay here on earth, and yet come as part of the bigger picture. 

If you are looking to take your mediumship further than what the traditional teachers teach, this will be the book for you. Channelling my son in this book, he will share how the spirit world, are always aiming to teach you.

When I was trying to heal my own grief, I found a medium, who really rocked me to the core of my being. I vowed to change others, in the name of truth and justice. Another virtue of being a flame holder to the light.

Please do share if this story moves you ..

And then came the magic in writing journals..
You too can make magic happen this way.  Twelve quotes are needed from you, and a working title...

The Golden Keys of Merlin

A Daily Spiritual Journal available on Amazon. With Prompts embedded within. Press below for a direct link .. Eg. The First sacred key is placed within your hand what is the purpose of this key? Merlin comes close on this day, what can you see of him and what are his words for you today?

Learn More

Postcards from Spirit

A daily Journal specifically for my beginner mediumship to help them with some exercises and prompts. eg. As you turn over this postcard, what does the writing look like? Does the postcard feel old, how far back in time does it take you?

Learn More

Postcards from the Angels

Let our band of celestial messengers send your heartfelt messages through beautifully crafted postcards from ethereal locations in your Journal. Prompts throughout consist of: Postcards from Archangel Michael Angels of the Great Sun Planetary Angels Healing Angel And more ...

Learn More
My Journey with Art
In 2020 my dad passed to the Spirit world, and I was very blessed to help him over with the Angels.  It was a difficult time, for everyone involved, as my dad was far from ready for this.

I gained so much in this time, over his last few months, and one was the power of Art.  Something I had not done since school.  He loved to share with me, his love of Art, and I now have his Art materials, and easel.

I now, paint, what ever I am drawn to, and this is a painting I did of the doorway in Tintagel. This is a favourite place of mine, where I really feel the Magic of Merlin.

Thank you Dad, and all those people, that have encouraged my path with Art.  

If you would love a painting check out my sister Site, or get in touch, I would be honoured to paint with the Spirit world for you.  

The Community comes together ..
Each year, on this website I have shared others work, here are some Angels, who have written some magic into a journal ...

Kelz Allen

Journal - The Journal back home

Kelz is a multi-dimensional healer and hypnotherapist. She is helping women who are struggling with life to take their power back and live a life of freedom and safety, after childhood trauma & abuse. With online beposke sessions available, get in touch she maybe able to help. Her Journal is here to inspire others. A beautiful deep purple in colour, you will love it...

Deborah Little

Journal - The Rose Petalled Path

Deborah......Is A Mary Magdalene priestess, Sistership Circle facilitator, and Mother of five. Her journal complements her work to empower women with beautiful, powerful affirmations, Deborah invites you to step onto the rose petalled path to support you on your journey to self-discovery. Her journal is a glossy red and cover, and holds amazing energies. See the link or contact her for a signed copy.

Connie McKay

Journal - Anchoring the light

Connie just loves dragons. Her new journal has a beautiful title of Anchoring the light. It is a beautiful pink in colour. See her bio ...

Clare Egan

The Mystic Fae - The Magic within and my Gratitude Journal

Clare is the founder of the Mystic Fae, she owns a crystal hub, from which she sells to the public. She has weekly lively shows from her facebook group, and comes with a wealth of spiritual knowledge. Enjoy her two journals on Amazon, one for your magic within, and the other for your gratitude. Both available signed from her at £6.99 or to buy for £6.99 on Amazon.

Sammi Dean

The Spirits Journey - A Journal

Sammi was inspired to do this journal to help others on their spiritual path and have a journal for their own spirits growth or that of their mediumship development. She is a psychic medium, running a mediumship circle and has a love for all things spiritual like tarot, divination, scrying, astrology,you get the drift 🤣. She loves to help people spiritually on their journeys. "May you always be blessed and I hope you have a happy time journalling in this sacred space I have channelled just for you!" Sammi

Joanna Ashwell

The Spirit of the Unicorns

New Unicorn Journal sharing the love of the Golden Unicorns.

Katie Jordan

Spiritual Hygienist

Katie and I have been working together for the last year, after I realised part of my path was to do energy clearings on people and places. Demons and Psychic Attacks are always something that people have different views on, but read my blog on it, and see why I do believe energy clearings are essential.

"Love will always win over fear, so love more...."
A dolphin blessing is sent to you .. image
* I love love writing in journals and here I share some glossy journals I have made which are on sale on Amazon: They are filled with inspirational quotes every ten pages.

Available for £5.25

My Dolphin blessing here, all profits will go to the Dolphin UK Charity every 6 months.  Click here 

All for £4.99 through 2024 

A notebook for Angel Whispers  Click here

Earth Angels Click here  

Connections to Merlin:  Click here 
Registered Medium, Spiritual Healer, Reiki Teacher and Crystal healer  image
Disclaimer & Code of conduct imageDisclaimer & Code of conduct imageDisclaimer & Code of conduct image
This is a disclaimer for any work that I do. All my work is done with pure, good intentions.  My only intention is to offer support, guidance and positivity. After over a decade in nursing I have a high standard of Ethics. I am also a member of the christian Spiritual Society Internation, and registered as a Medium, Spiritual Healer, Reiki healer and Crystal healer and more ...

* A reading or healing session should never be used in place of professional advice. A reading cannot offer legal, medical, business or financial advice. You should never rely on a reading to make decisions that would affect your mental, legal, financial or medical conditions. If you need guidance in this areas please seek out a professional in these areas. My readings will give you only guidance on a spiritual level, and we have free will which comes into our daily life and can change any circumstance. You are totally responsible to taking the information and dealing with it in your own way. I do not guarantee any outcomes from the work I do.

* With all workshops,when you attend the sessions, you have taken the responsibility to join. I hold no responsibility or liability. Some of my workshops are of a high vibration and therefore can cause some ungrounding/dizziness to occur.
I therefore advise if you have uncontrolled epilepsy, any severe mental health issues, pregnant, or post pregnancy, you discuss with a healthcare professional before attending a workshop.

That is the legal part out of the way, please do message and get in touch to discuss if you need to,

Carly x