My Journey with Art
In 2020 my dad passed to the Spirit world, and I was very blessed to help him over with the Angels.  It was a difficult time, for everyone involved, as my dad was far from ready for this.

I gained so much in this time, over his last few months, and one was the power of Art.  Something I had not done since school.  He loved to share with me, his love of Art, and I now have his Art materials, and easel.

I now, paint, what ever I am drawn to, and this is a painting I did of the doorway in Tintagel. This is a favourite place of mine, where I really feel the Magic of Merlin.

Thank you Dad, and all those people, that have encouraged my path with Art.  

If you would love a painting check out my sister Site, or get in touch, I would be honoured to paint with the Spirit world for you.